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Component Task: Catheter Care for Female and Male Patients

Catheter Care for Female Patients


  • Mackintosh and towel 
  • Gloves 
  • KY jelly 
  • Gallipot with lid containing cotton wool 
  • Gallipot with containing antiseptic lotion

Component Task

1. Establishes rapport and explains procedure to patient 
2. Assembles necessary equipment and supplies 
3. Ensures privacy
4. Washes hands and put patient in the supine position 
5. Places mackintosh and towel under patient 
6. Covers patient up so that only vulva area is exposed washes hands and wears gloves 
7. Removes anchor device to free catheter tubing 
8. Cleans vulva using cotton wool swab and antiseptic solution towards anus, 
cleans urethral meatus, moving down the catheter 
9. Reassess urethral meatus for discharge 
10. Uses cotton wool swab soaked in antiseptic lotion, wipes in a circular motion along 
length of catheter and anchors back into position 
11. Applies antibiotics ointment at urethral meatus and along 2.5cm of catheter if ordered by 
12. Places patient in a safe and comfortable position 
13. Disposes all contaminated items, removes gloves and wash hands 
14. Records and reports finding

Catheter Care for Male Patients

1. Establishes rapport and explains procedure to patient 
2. Assembles necessary equipment and supplies 
3. Ensures privacy 
4. Washes and dries hands and puts patient in the supine position 
5. Places mackintosh and towel under patient 
6. Covers patient up so that only genital area is exposed 
7. Removes anchor device to free catheter tubing, washes hands and wears gloves 
8. Retracts foreskin if present to expose urethral meatus, cleans around catheter first, and then wipes in circular motion around meatus and glans 
9. Reassess urethral meatus for discharge 
10. Uses cotton swab soaked in antiseptic lotion, wipes in circular motion along the 
length of catheter and anchors it back 
11. Applies antibiotics ointment at urethral meatus and along 2.5cm of catheter if ordered by Physician/Surgeon 
12. Places patient in a safe and comfortable position 
13. Disposes all contaminated items, removes gloves and washes hands 
14. Records and reports finding

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