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The Cry of the Ghanaian Nurse

Who hears the cry of the nurse?
Enrolled Nurse/Community Health Nurse under goes two years training and is a certificate holder.
Staff Nurse/Midwife under goes three years training and is a diplomat holder.
Nursing/Midwife Officer under goes four years training and is a degree holder.
All these categories of nurses work together day and night as a team to save life and nurse the patient to gets well and go back home to his/her family.
The salary of these nurses ranges from Ghc1000 – Ghc1500 – Ghc1700
With these salaries of the nurses stated above is what :
1. The nurse feeds the family and his/herself from.
2. The nurse pays his/her transportation to work, buys lunch and drinking water at work from that salary.
3. The nurse pays utility bills and rent from that salary.
4. The nurse pays his/herself and the family’s hospital bills from that salary even when been treated at the same hospital where he/she works.
5. The nurse pays children school fees from that salary.
6. The nurse pays his/her school fees from that salary when he/she decides to upgrade.
The nurse sorely depends on that salary for everything that she has to do under this sun.
Hmmmm! but who hears the cry of the nurse? The public is made to believe that nurses are rich because they are paid bigger salaries.
Please judge for yourself are nurses really rich? Can these salaries really earn a living? Most at times the salary finishes within the 1st -2nd week and one has to struggle to end the month.
What the public don’t know is that the social life of the nurse is completely shut down.
No time to attend wedding, parties, funerals and other ceremonies of families and friends.
The nurse hardly spend time with his/her family, he/she goes to work day and night, rain or shine, even on holidays and weekends.
The nurse advocates for six months exclusive breastfeeding but the nurse resumes work after three months maternity leave and she has to leave her three months old baby with her mother if she is around, if not the baby can be left with a house help, a baby sitter, neighbor or have to be taken to school at that age. At this point that is when the nurse really regret for ever being in this profession.
It is so sad and heart breaking when the nurse have to leave that innocent baby to whoever and go to work.
The children of the nurse suffers a penalty, some becomes malnourished and easily falls sick, mother and child attachment is reduced, yet who hears the cry of the nurse?
The nurse is supposed to work for six hours for morning and afternoon shift and twelve hours for the night shift but it’s not as calculated. The nurse leaves home in the morning for the morning shift and by the time he /she ends the shift and hands over to the afternoon nurse then get back home it’s already late in the evening. The afternoon nurse gets back home late at night, sometimes getting attacked by thieves and faces unfortunate situations.
The nurse faces serious marital problems because she hardly get time for the family and yet she comes home with nothing.
The spouse of the nurse sometimes do regret for marrying a nurse and that disturbs the peace of the home.
Who hears the cry of the nurse?
The public don’t know that the nurse have to take loan before he/she can rent rent an apartment.
The nurse have to take loan to further his/her education.
The nurse have to take loan to buy a piece of land.
The nurse have to take loan to buy a car.
The nurse have to take loan to pay children school fees.
So the nurse is always living with debt.
Bankers can testify to the fact that nurses are their regular customers because they always take loan from them.
Who hears the cry of the nurse?
To be a nurse means you have to;
kill your sight (be blind).
kill your hearing (be deaf).
kill your sense of smell.
kill your feelings .
And be very tactful in your speech
The nurse sees, smells and hears all sorts of disgusting things under this sun, the nurse serves bed pan to the patient to defecate and she carries it to the toilet and discards it (with a smile on her face).
The nurse holds the urinal for the patient to urinate and she carries it to the toilet and discards it.
The nurse holds the vomitus container for the patient to vomit and spit sputum (phlegm) into it and she carries it to the toilet and discards it.
The nurse cleans up both adults and young patient with his/her diaper full of faeces and urine.
The nurse maintains personal hygiene of patient by bathing them and keep oral hygiene for them.
The nurse maintains patients nutrition by feeding both unconscious and some conscious patients.
The nurse dress the wounds of the patient, some of the wounds are so big and offensive, some of the wounds has maggots coming out from them, some patient relatives cannot even stand their wounds but the nurse stands by them and dress them.
The nurse nurses accidents victims with oozing blood without screening.
The midwife delivers babies and cleans up blood and faeces that came with the baby.
Yet after seeing all these sights the nurse have to pretend he/she has seen nothing and sit by his/her food to enjoy it.
The nurse sometimes is been pricked by used needles and blade and goes through a psychological trauma and infection.
Yet who hears the cry of the nurse?
The nurse needs a peaceful mind in order to carry out his/her nursing duties effectively because human life is in their hands.
The doctor diagnose and prescribes medicine for the patient but it is the nurse that goes for the medicine from the pharmacy.
It is the nurse that gives the oral medication to the patient to take.
It is the nurse that reconstitute the injection and injects the patient.
It is the nurse that hydrates the patient with the infusion (drip).
It is the nurse that sets up blood transfusion.
It is the nurse that prepares the patient for surgery and nurses the patient after surgery till he is well.
It is the nurse that nurses the dying patient to a peaceful death and prepares the body into the right position by closing the eyes and the month of the body, straighten the hands and legs of the body so that the body can be at right position when laid at state.
The nurse stays with the patient at all times and the patient depends on the nurse for everything.
Yet no one cares about the nurse!
The nurse has become an enemy of the general public.
The public says all sort of ill things about the nurse.
The public gives all sorts of names to the nurse for example “they are witches”, “they are thieves ” , ” they are prostitutes “, “they don’t respect ” and so on . How do you expect the nurse smile at you when he/she is working with an empty stomach without money to buy launch and also thinking about how to transport his/herself from work and to work the next day. Nurses are really going through a lot but they don’t have anybody to complain to.
The general public do not appreciate the work of the nurse and do not respect the nurse.
Most of the time, the nurse is being insulted by some patients and their relatives.
Yet who hears the cry of the nurse?
As a nurse in this country Ghana there are lots of problems and challenges being faced as well as the little income.
This is the true situation of the Ghanaian nurse.
That is why most nurses have become traders at the hospital.
That’s why most nurses work till they go on pension but cannot afford a car.
That’s why most nurses go on pension but are still renting.
That’s why some nurses are frustrated and are not lovely and nice to the patient and their relatives and hence, get branded as “witches”.
The nurse is motivated by nothing.
The end of Year bonus given to the nurse is a 5kg of rice and 1 liter of oil and that is, if you are fortunate.
Some nurses work whole heartedly for the sake and the fear of the God.
When the nurse does her work well or extremely well nobody notices him/her but when a mistake is made by the nurse he/she is left alone to fight for him/herself and whole country turns against him /her .
In fact nurses in our country Ghana feel maltreated like orphans who has nobody to defend them or to show them love.
Please and please again, let’s hear the cry of the nurse.
The nurse need to be happy and have a peaceful mind to work because one mistake of the nurse can cost a life.
The nurse is also human, she also wish patients and relatives that come to the hospital shows her care, love and respect. But rather patients and relatives only cares about themselves, all they demand the nurse to perform magic for them to get well.
Sometimes the nurse you meet at the hospital is also not well but he/she has to be at work because of shortage of staff.
Please to the general public, the nurse needs your friendship and not your enmity.
The nurse also needs you to show him/her care and love just as you need from him/her.
To the NGO’s please the nurse is also in need, please hear the cry of the nurse.
To the Ministry and the government please make life better for the nurse so he/she can have a peaceful mind and work whole heartedly to save lives.
To the media, please be the mouth piece of the nurse and let the cry of the nurse be heard by all .
God bless the nurse – Zuweira Majeed. Edited by admin.

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