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Tellit Nurse has made references to the following Books and websites. References here are grouped according to Nursing Courses.

Medical Nursing

1. Watson's: Medical/Surgical clinical Nuring and Related Sciences (2007), 7th edition, Churchhill livingstone, London.
2. Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing, 11th edition philadephia: Lippincott-Raven company.
3. Merck Manual of Medical Information. Home Edition.
4. Samuel Atindanbilla; Medicine for Nursing and Medical Students, sonlife printing press and services, Ghana.
5. Oxford Minidictionary for Nurses: 6th Edition, Oxford University, New York.
6. Medical Nursing Handout compiled by Mr. Timothy Duut.

Obstetric Nursing

Basic Nursing

1. Component task - Nursing & Midwifery Council of Ghana.

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