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Legal and Ethical Responsibility of Enrolled Nurses

The code of Professional conduct of Registered Nurse Assistant Clinical.
1. Assist in the admission and discharge procedure on the ward.
2. Give all forms of treatment ordered except intravenous injections under supervision.
3. Observe and report adverse events of medications.
4. Carry out spoon feeding of patient
5. Maintain personal hygiene of patient.
6. Maintain clean ward and clinical environment.
7. Check vital signs, record and report appropriately.
8. Ensure client/patient safety on the ward.
9. Process used equipment, instrument and medical devices.
10. Receive and orientate patients and relatives to the ward.
11. Carry out other nursing duties within their competence assigned by professional nurse/midwife.

The code of Professional conduct of Registered Nurse Assistant Preventive
1. Apply the knowledge and skills acquired to assist in meeting patients’ and client needs.
2. Work with members of the SDHT and the community to plan, implement and monitor health activities at the community level.
3. Contribute to and promote primary health care services/CHPs in the community especially the vulnerable population and high-risk groups.
4. Assist in the conduct of community diagnosis, planning, implementing and evaluating community programmes toward preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services.
5. Conduct emergency deliveries and refer patient/client to appropriate authority.
6. Provide first aid services and refer patient/client to appropriate authority.
7. Assist in the planning and conduct of health promotion programmes.
8. Assist in the management of health care units
9. Assist in the implementation of national health policies and apply its relevance to her practice.
10. Assist in the collection of routine data on health activities and identify health problems in the community.
11. Assist in the provision of family planning, STIs, HIV and AIDs, adolescent, maternal and child health services.
12. Assist in the implementation of national immunization programmes.
13. Assist in planning and implementation of school health programmes.
14. Plan and conduct effective home visiting to families in the communities.
15. Document and report all activities to the Registered Community Nurse (appropriate authority).
16. Be responsible and accountable for her actions and inactions.

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